Assessment of the Rationale behind the Concurrent Practice of Conventional and Computed Radiography in Two Federal Hospitals in Maiduguri, Borno state
1 Moi Alhamdu
1 Ukeme Pius
2 Dlama Joseph
1 Department of Medical Radiography, University of Maiduguri, Borno State
2 Department of Medical Radiography, Bayero University Kano, Kano State
Objectives: To determine the rationale behind the concurrent practice of conventional and computed radiography systems in two federal hospitals and to determine the advantages and disadvantages Methodology: Fifty-one questionnaires comprising 22 items and divided into four sections were distributed to radiologists, radiographers and intern radiographers. Analysis was carried out using the Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis with the significance level of p<0.05. Results: Most respondents (68.6%, n=35) agreed that the incidence of preference of one radiographic system over the other by referring physicians was the main rationale for the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems in their departments. Majority (88.2%, n=45) agreed that the main advantage of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems was that each radiographic system could serve as backup in the event of breakdown of one system. Majority (66.7%, n=34) agreed that the main disadvantage of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems was that it was expensive to practice and maintain both systems concurrently. Chi square value was statistically significant p<0.005. Conclusion: The major rationale was preference by referring physicians. The study revealed the advantages of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems and the provision of a backup system in the event of break down. The disadvantage of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems is the cost of maintenance and the incidence of undue preference of one radiographic system over another. Acknowledgement: we acknowledge the management and staff of Radiology departments of the two hospitals where the study took place.
Keywords: conventional radiography, computed radiography, concurrent practice